‘akhi huna, b. 2020, Sobradinho, Distrito Federal, Brazil.
Live and work in Sobradinho, Brazil.
‘akhi huna is a musical duo from Sobradinho, Distrito Federal, Brazil formed by brothers Mansur JP and Dila Caju. Playing on the Arabic phrasing for “my brother is here,” the project kicked off in 2020 when the duo shared the same house again after living on separate continents. Since then, they have released two mixtapes, Aleluiá (October 2020) and Várzea Mini Jumbo (April 2021). The duo’s music transits between the timelessness of Clube da Esquina’s songs, the cosmic funk of Jorge Ben, the retrofuturism of Daft Punk, and the deep melodies of Djavan. ‘akhi huna is pioneering a niche wave of Latin American creatives returning to their Arab roots for conceptual inspiration.

“‘Armazenar’ is to carefully store what is important to you, whether material or immaterial.”
“This platform allows us to shorten the geographical distances between us and the Arab World! We are very happy to be a part of the exhibition and honored to be able to share our music! We hope to be physically present in a while!”

“[About Lebanon and the Arab world], We imagine it’s like a homecoming! The idea of getting to know Lebanon up close and being able to feel the land where our ancestors came from is incredible!”