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Parisa Aminolahi

Parisa Aminolahi, b. 1978, Tehran, Iran.
Lives and works in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Aminolahi studied theatre stage design (BA) and animation (MA) at the University of Art in Tehran and documentary filmmaking (MA) at Royal Holloway, University of London.

Aminolahi’s work covers a spectrum of themes such as displacement, exile, homeland, family and childhood memories, utilizing childhood and old family photographs, self‐portraits and her own family members as her subjects. Her media span photography, documentary filmmaking, animation, painting and mixed media. She has had screenings and exhibitions both locally and internationally, most recently at the Vintage Photo Festival, Bydgoszcz, Poland (2020); Tehran Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran (2020); the International Centre of Photography, New York (2020); the Photolux Festival, Lucca, Italy (2019) and Fotodok, Utrecht, Netherlands (2019). Furthermore, she is a recipient of the Firecracker Photographic Grant, the Netherlands Film Fund, One World Media Student Film Bursary and the Chevening Scholarship.

Away 2013 – A short, experimental film about my life, the first few years after moving to the Netherlands.


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